Do you provide in-person or online counseling?
We provide both in-person and online counseling. The online counseling is an easy-to-use telehealth, HIPAA compliant video/audio platform that you will access through a client portal via the website. The platform is web-based so it can be used accessed on your phone, computer or tablet.
How long do appointments last?
Sessions are approximately 55 minutes.
Which therapist should I schedule with?
We suggest reading the therapist bios on the “About” page and selecting someone that you think would be a good fit for you. Other factors to consider include therapist work hours, use of insurance, and areas of expertise.
Do you take insurance?
Yes, we accept Anthem, Carelon, MedMutual, Optum, Surest, UMR, United Healthcare, and several others. Please contact us to see if your insurance provider is accepted by the therapist you would like to see.
You will need to contact your insurance provider to determine your exact copay and deductible responsibilities. Out of pocket costs are collected at the time of service.
Do you prescribe medication?
No we do not have a prescriber within our practice. We can provide referral information for psychiatry services upon request.
How often will I meet with my therapist?
Continuity of sessions is important. Weekly sessions are typically recommended initially but with time sessions may take place every 2-3 weeks. Please discuss your needs and the approach used by your therapist to determine how often you will meet.
What is your cancellation policy?
We require 24 hours’ notice of cancellation. There is a $30.00 charge for cancelling within the 24 hours or not showing up for a scheduled appointment. It is important to meet consistently in order to make progress towards treatment goals.
Do you have any suggestions for mental health resources?
Yes, please CLICK HERE for a printable Google Doc with hyperlinks to a variety of mental health resources. Please feel free to print and share this resource page.
What is your privacy policy and how do I opt out of text communication?
Please CLICK HERE to view our full privacy policy & practices.
***By calling or texting us at 888-648-9355, customers agree to receive text messages. If you no longer wish to receive text messages, you may opt out at any time by replying "STOP". Please note that our policy is to only contact clients by text message that have specifically asked to be contacted by text.
What are your terms & conditions for using nguwellness.com?
Please CLICK HERE to view our website terms and conditions.
"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop."
- Confucious